
Bearing one another's burdens - teaching together, learning together, growing together...

To request enrollment, please fill out the form below and click submit. 

Enrollment will be considered for the next semester following enrollment approval. 

Save your username and password to use for login if enrollment is approved.

*Note, space is limited each semester. New enrollment requests will be assessed based on space available.

Sign Up

First name, Last name, Gender: M/F, DOB: MM/DD/YYYY, Grade: Nursery - 12th
The Pastor/Elders of the church you attend will be contacted as a Character Reference.
The Statement of Faith can be read here
The Participation handbook can be downloaded here
By checking this box, you agree to be held accountable to follow the Operations, Policies, General Conduct Guidelines, and Modest Dress Guidelines that are within the handbook. You also agree to hold your children to the same standard.
Your typed name will be considered an electronic signature confirming your agreement to abide by the rules and agreement to the Liability Waiver.
You are not required to agree with The Statement of Faith for enrollment.